FY24/25-Activity Details-Flag Football 1-6

Sports Club: Flag Football

C2-Conditioning: Sumo Squats, Lunges, & More

60 Min: This class focuses on Conditioning.  Through the practice of Sumo Squat Drills, Lunge Drills, and Quick Step Drills, students will not only build their endurance, strength, and flexibility, but also begin to prepare their bodies for game movements.

30 Min: Kickball Practice

C4-Agility: Foot Fire Drill, "T" Drill, & More

60 Min: In this class, students will develop their ability to move quickly and easily around the field by focusing on Agility.  Through the execution of the Foot Fire Drill, the "T" Drill, the Zig Zag Drill, and the Lateral Box Drill, students will begin to learn how to navigate sharp routes with ease while on offense, in addition to becoming a more efficient and effective defensive player.

30 Min: Kickball Practice

C6-Running: 3-Step Handoff Drill

60 Min: This class focuses on building students' Running and Ball Receiving Fundamentals. By practicing the 2-Step Handoff Drill as well as the 3-Step Handoff Drill, students will begin to boost their speed and improve their footwork for the Running Back position.

30 Min: Kickball Practice

C8-Throwing: How To Throw A Football

60 Min: This classes focuses on helping students learn the steps of how to correctly throw the football.  Through practicing the One Knee Drill and the Two Knee Drill, students will begin to improve their ability to execute Proper Grip, Proper Motion, Proper Spirals, and Accurate Passes.

30 Min: Kickball Practice

C10-Catching: How To Catch A Football

60 Min: In this class, students will focus on learning how to properly catch a football.  By practicing the High & Low Pass Drill as well the Over The Shoulder Drill, students will take the first steps to developing their Body Alignment, Hand Positioning, and Ball Palming skills.

30 Min: Kickball Practice

C12-Defense: Flag Pulling "Tunnel Drill"

60 Min: In this class, students will focus on helping students learn the steps of how to effectively pull a flag.  Through practicing the Tunnel Drill, the Zig Zag Drill, and the Cone Drill, students will begin to adopt the Anticipation Skills, Ball-Tracking Skills, and Agility Skills needed to become a great defensive player.

30 Min: Kickball Practice





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