EM-Eagle Point: Drummer's Wall of Fame

Drummer's Wall Of Fame: Eagle Point

Focus, Friendship, Fortitude, and Fun

 These students chosen for the Wall of Fame maintain our program's core values. Each student has shown 
Focus, Friendship, Fortitude, and Fun during our EM Drumline Practice Sessions; and have shown 
leadership potential within their instrument section.  

Meet the Students

Week 03/14/2022 - 03/18/2022

Sebastian Lopez

Grade: 4th

Our instructors, Mr. Cooper and Mr.Mota chose Sebastian from the snares section for showing great fortitude at our last practice session. Sebastian showed great focus when other students were distracted and ready for another break, Sebastian kept playing. 

Angello Jurado Garcia

Grade: 4th

Our instructors, Mr. Cooper and Mr.Mota chose Angello from the cymbals section because he showed that he was focused on Mr. Mota's instruction. Angello showed great improvement from his last session. We can't wait to see his future improvement.

James Aumaitre

Grade: 2nd

Our instructors, Mr. Cooper and Mr.Mota chose James from the Tenors section when he showed his focus, friendship, and fortitude during our last practice sessions. James was focused on the lesson and showed he was not going to give up. He showed great friendship as he counted the tempo out loud for the entire drumline to stay on the same groove.

Malayah Politano

Grade: 4th

Our instructors, Mr. Cooper and Mr.Mota chose Malayah from the bass section was chosen because she showed great focus, and when Mr.Mota introduced the new choreography material she was able to catch it quickly. She has been constantly improving with every session.

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