EM-Agendas & Announcements



A. Welcome

B. Purpose and meeting order

C. Student Arrival Time and Location

  • 2:30pm to Nova High School Gymnasium
  • Come with uniform on

**Notes: 1) Enter the parking lot that's on Sw 39th Street, not the one on College Avenue; 2) No bookbags or water bottles; 3) Students should wear all black shoes or a combination of black and white shoes; and 4) The sound checks and rehearsals are closed to the public, as such parents are only dropping students off at 2:30pm.

D. Student meals and order form

**Notes: 1) We are feeding students pizza and drinks during practice; 2) If the student doesn't eat or like pizza, then parents will need to provide them with their own bagged meal (e.g. Chick-fil-a); and 3) Parents will need to complete the Meal Order form (click link above) before Monday, May 13th

E. Uniform shirt and headbands

**Notes: 1) If the student already has a plain shirt that's the required color for their school, then there's no need to purchase a colored shirt; 2) Parents can click the links above to order the necessary shirt from Amazon; 3) Parents can also go to Michael's to buy the colored shirt that students need; and 4) We've purchased the headbands already for students and will give it to them on Thursday, May 26th

F. Doors opening and entry process at 5:30pm

G. Event Tickets

**Notes: 1) Parents and guest will receive their ticket-wristband at the check-in table; 2) Parents of performing students will sign their child(ren) out at that time, so they can freely leave at the end of competition; and 3) Tickets can be purchase in advance by clicking the link above or at the door with cash or card

H. Voting

  • Audience Vote = 70%
  • Judges Vote = 30%

I. Extra Practices

  • Eagle Point: Tuesday, May 24th
  • Indian Trace: Tuesday, May 24th
  • Silver Lakes: Tuesday, May 10th and Tuesday, May 17th

J. Dismissal Process

K. Photo Packages on Sale

**Note: 1) A professional photographer will be taking photos of each individual student in their uniform (with their instrument) as well as their collective drumline group; 2) Photo Packages will be available to order this Friday, May 13th; and 3) Photo prints will be mailed out approximately a week after the Ultimate Drumline Competition 2022

L. Q&A

** Reminder to have student practice at home daily


Silver Lakes Remains (All Others Dismissed at 6:30pm)

A. May 12th Performance (3pm - 4pm Group ONLY)

  • Uniform worn
  • Aftercare supervision and dismissal

B. May 19th Performance: Miramar Cultural Center (Annual Miramar Student Community Showcase)

  • Field Trip Permission Form
  • Parent-Arranged Transportation/Supervision From Field Trip Form 
  • Bus leaves the school at 4:00pm and heads to MCC 
  • If you choose to transport student yourself, please Report to MCC at 4:30pm 
  • Instructors and Mr. Suarez will travel on the bus with the students (parents not permitted on bus)
  • Students will be fed by MCC
  • MCC charges $5 for guest to attend
  • Parents will pick up students after the performance in front of the performance center.
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