
EM Procedures

  • When A Student Is First Registered Into EM

    Student Pickup For EM

    1. The student’s teacher is notified (i.e. via email, phone, and/or text) of the student’s enrollment into EM
    2. The student’s teacher (and aftercare program if applicable) is made aware of not only the area where the student is to meet the EM Instructor, but also, the days and time that he/she participates in EM
  • Taking Student Attendance For EM

    When EM students arrive at the designated meeting area, attendance is immediately taken.  Once attendance has been reconciled (i.e. the location of EM students has been accounted for), students are escorted by the EM Instructor to the session area.  Moreover, if a student is absent, a parent/guardian/authorized individual is notified.

  • Picking Up Students For EM

    Student Pickup For EM

    1. Upon the school’s dismissal bell, participating students meet the EM Instructors in a designate area (e.g. the school’s front office)
    2. The EM Instructor takes attendance (i.e. of aftercare and non-aftercare students); a notification is sent (i.e. via/text) to parents/guardians when their student is not present for EM
    3. The EM Instructor escorts the students to a designated area (e.g. a park, covered area, or room) for the program session

  • Student Signout From EM

    Student Dismissal From EM

    1. Upon the end of EM Program session, the EM Instructor escorts the students back to the designated meeting area for parents to sign-out non-aftercare students, and for aftercare counselors to pickup their aftercare students.

    ** Note: Students who get picked up late more than two times risk being discharge from EM

  • Inclement Weather

    Typically, EM sessions are held indoors or outside (often under a canopy or covered area).  However, on days of strong rain, extreme heat, or intense cold, outdoor program sessions will be held in an enclosed area (e.g. a room).

  • Communication

    Parents are notified of schedule changes, class cancelations, upcoming events, and approaching payments via email and text (using Remind.com).  Additionally, parents receive photos and video clips (via email and text) of an EM Program session and/or performance.

  • Accidents

    In the rare event that a student is injured during an EM Program session, the following measures will be taken:

    1. Immediate First aid will be applied to the students
    2. An EMAccident Form will be completed
    3. The parent/guardian will be notified

  • Incidents

    Student related incidents are addressed by the EM Instructor and if warranted, communicated to the student's parent/guardian

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